Sunday, November 7, 2010

21 day challenge - day 2

that is the the mantra for the day.  Nothing comes overnight - although it really seems I can gain 5 pounds while sleeping, for some reason it won't come off the same way!  lol!
We need to take baby steps and face each day as it comes and be thankful for it all.  My hardest part of this is I want my body back NOW - this minute - no this second.  Instant gratification - instant success.  And that I have to wait, and work my butt off, is just not fun.

Yesterday, the first 20 minutes of the treadmill was KILLER.  My shins were hurting so bad - and then I made a big revelation - THE INCLINE WAS SET ON THE HIGHEST!!  After I fixed that - all was well and the next 10 minutes were a breeze.  LOL!

Today, I did 20 minutes of the treadmill and then did 10 minutes of hand weights and ab work.  Tomorrow the plan is to exercise in the morning.  I think I'll be much more productive that way.

Tomorrow - the mantra is FIGHT FOR IT, NOT AGAINST IT!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go!! Hang in there. Fellow 21ers can get the challenge done.
